Meeting The Dwellers on the Threshhold

You Need To Meet The Hideous and Wretched Parts Of Yourself....To Be Born Again.

Learn more about the Dwellers from New Thought Author (and very close friend), A.L. "The phrase, 'dweller on the the threshhold,' is an esoteric term, that encompasses encountering the 'monster' of your accumulated patterns that hold you back. The illusion of a separate entity that is scary, but you are really only meeting yourself. For many people, it turns them away from further spiritual progress.  And that is OK, because they are not 'ready' if the dweller is too much. Anything else you can find about the dark feminine would be good too. Kali is the Hindu goddess that comes to mind.  Or the encounter with the 'baba yaga' in the book Run with the Wolves ....chapter title is called 'Vasalisa.' The reason that book is brilliant is that it is ALL about can always 'find' yourself in it somewhere, no matter what the struggle...."  A.L. introduced me to the Dark Feminine, and Also the book Run With The Wolves. I highly recommend. Also stay tuned for A.L's new book, with topics ranging from a Vampiric Culture to the Sacred Fire within. Her writing is not to be missed, especially during the energetic shifts occurring in 2012 and beyond.

The Black Panther makes us PURGE. We release our Shadow Aspects. We are shifting. Our Electric and Etheric Bodies are changing. We are meeting our higher selves. At the same time, we have a global war occurring internally. Our Ego needs to Let Go of the Guck and Residue of our Shadow, that we have hidden unto ourselves. Let go of the Hollywood Illusions, Ego Have Tos, and release. Are you willing to analyze what is REALLY going on in your life, what has been going on for a long long time? patterns? rationalizations of those patterns, or ignorance all along? Now that it is 2012, there is no more hiding. Dont "Be Spiritual" and ignore the dark shadow within. You will split up inside and fragment. Develop sickness, in body and mind. You need a DEEP healing, clearing, purification, and the utmost acknowledgment of all your aspects. We need to be Authentic in this new emerging Matrix of 2012 and beyond. We will leave behind things and energies and people not supporting our new crystallized way of being. We will be drawing from the I Am directly, from Love. We are to hold ourselved dearly, all parts, good and bad, dark and light. No More Denial that they dont exist!! This simply is not true. The Dark Feminine Energy and Black Panther Energy Exists!! Our soul will open new doors to help us on our journey of integration.




  1. Thanks so much for posting this - it has come into my life at just the right time, along with your other post. Blessings to you on your path <3

  2. Thank you so much! For me as well, your explanation brings a lot of understanding, as I embrace this Black Jaguar energy and power!
